Glenwood Middle School is a small, dynamic school within the Howard County Public School System, located in Glenwood Maryland. Our Parent Teacher Student Association works closely with our teachers, administrators and community to make Glenwood a fun, supportive and enriched learning environment.
The Glenwood Parent Teacher Student Association helps to create a fun and engaging community for our Glenwood students. The PTSA works to supplement and enrich student education by implementing and supporting events and activities throughout the school year.
The Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is a powerful voice to advocate for our school’s needs at the local, state, and federal levels. We also provide access to resources on student achievement, health and wellness, safety, and technology. This year, the Glenwood Middle School PTSA is proud to support:

Students are more successful academically when parents, school staff, and the community work together. The PTSA brings these groups together to address the needs and concerns within our school community. The PTSA’s strength is its volunteers, and we hope you will be able to commit time to supporting Glenwood Middle School. However, if not, your membership in our organization is just as critical as it indicates your support for our school, the importance you place on education, and that you as a parent are engaged and concerned.
Please join the PTSA. When you join the Glenwood Middle School PTSA, you are automatically a member of Maryland PTA and National PTA.
PTSA meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm via Zoom. View our calendar page to view specific dates and Zoom join information.
School Information
2680 Route 97
Glenwood, MD 21738
Phone: (410) 313-5520
Fax: (410) 313-5534
Principal: Melissa Shindel
Vice Principal: Gregory Lertora