Staff Holiday Gifts

Staff Holiday Gifts

December is here and so is the season of giving! Rather than buying your student’s teachers something they don’t really want or need, please consider being a part of GMS’s GiftCrowd. It’s simple and easy (and of course, totally voluntary).

Simply click on the link below and select the teachers or staff group (i.e., custodians, health room) and the amount you’d like to give to that person or group.… Read more “Staff Holiday Gifts”

Color Blast Run

Color Blast Fun Run 2023

March 15, 2023 (Half-day for Students)

Color Blast Fun Run – It’s coming up! 

Stay after and have some fun while raising money for your school! Sign up and start asking your family and friends to donate. There are prizes for whoever raises the most money out of each grade, the class that raises the most money, and the child who raises the most money from each grade, but only if we hit our goal of $15,000.… Read more “Color Blast Fun Run 2023”